my dear fam,
We had another rockin' week here in Trieste..things are still going well. Amist the fact that a lot of our investigators are ignoring us and setting appointments has been super rough, we are still just pushing onward and continuing to see the miracles daily. They happen MORE then once in a while...EVERY DAY. Man I love miracles. they are just such a testament of God's love for us and they are EVERYWHERE. He loves us way more then we can even begin to comprehend!
A.'s baptism!!!!!! |
The biggest thing that went down this week was when our beautiful friend A. entered the waters of baptism. Mamma Mia it was such a glorious daaaaaaaay! Everything was going really well up until Saturday afternoon, just a few hours before the baptism...we had printed the programs, she had a dress that would fit, people were coming, the font was clean...we thought we had everything under control! But of course, Satan is always at work and naturally something just HAD to go wrong. We luckily got to the church far in advance to begin filling the font, only come to find out that the hot water for the entire church had been shut off for whatever reason! We, trying not to freak out, hurridly called the bishop who called someone to come and turn it on. After a little bit of precious font filling time had passed, we got it all figured out and hot water we finally had! It began to fill and even though it was supposed to take a about an hour and a half, it finished filling in just over 1 hour, right in the knick of time for the baptism to start! it was a huge miracle - we were just like THANK YOU. A. invited like alllll of her extended family and a bunch of her friends from school, so pretty much everyone there was non members! it was SWEET. The program went beautifully and she just glowed afterward. It was truly an incredible experience to see the joy in her face and my heart was just so full of gratitude that Heavenly Father had helped her to make this very important decision in her life. It took her years to make the choice, but in the end the timing was right and now she is a member of this glorious church. I could not be happier or more grateful for this opportunity Hawks and I have had to befriend her and to love her and to support her on her journey back to her Father in Heaven. It has truly been spectacular.
HAIR IS GONE - whaaaaat? I cut it for summer because it gets so hot here. |
It has been really amazing to see how the warm weather brings sooooo many happier people on the streets that are willing to stop and chat with us about the gospel. Literally I don't know what it is about sunlight and heat that just makes everyone more willing and open. Not EVERYONE, of course, but we have met so many nice and cool people on the streets lately. It has been cool for me to see that even though not a lot of the people we are meeting are accepting our invitation to learn more about the restored gospel, we are STILL helping them increase their faith in Jesus Christ, which is our purpose after all! There are soooo many wonderful people in the world who are firm in their faiths and who have a love for God like none other and are doing SO much good for the world! Even though they are not all ready to accept our message now, they are living goooood lives and influencing the lives of those around them. I love the feeling of walking up to someone and just asking them what they believe, asking them how they have seen prayer help them, or what miracles they have seen in their lives...and then just bearing my testimony about the things that I believe. They feel a difference, and that is the Spirit. Everyone is running on their own path and in the time of The Lord, all will have the opportunity to accept this glorious message. This work is such a beautiful thing.
The other large piece of news for you all today is that on Monday we actually received iPads! yipeeeee. We went to Zone Training and came back with iPads and holy moly how strange was that. We won't be using facebook or anything for a while, there are different stages of trainings that we have to go through before we can 'earn' things like that and teaching lessons on skype and what not. We are excited to see how these divine instruments will help our work! It is so exciting to be a 'pioneer' of the digital age of missionary work here in Italia and to see the Lord hastening His work and being able to take part in that first hand. We are very blessed and the trust that He has in us is enormous!
We receive transfer calls in like 2 dayyyys so we will see where I am gettin shipped off to. nothing is ever for sure but I am almost sure that it is my time to go. I
t has been a good ride, however. Trieste has changed my life. for reals.
Love you alllllll forever and always,
Sorella Burt
Venice is such a dream - I just can't get enough!!! |
Me and Sorella Hawks on a bridge in Venice |
More Venice pics - I am so in love with this city! |
We went on the top of this super cool tower and the view was beautiful! |
There was an Asian lady behind me posing this way and I loved it so I had to do it too! |
This is a shirt that a lady here gave straight has a farm on it and I just LOVE it a ton! |
That is a REALLY cool castle behind me and I am just happy about it! |
Me & Sorella Gillespie at Zone Training |
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