Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Another Week Another Change

A beautiful miracle that we saw this week was actually at church! We got to church and one of our members said to us, "Sorelle! My dear friend is coming to chuch today! We ran into her at the river this week and invited her to come back to church!" We were super excited that she had invited this less active friend to come back to church and she actually came! She and her boyfriend came to Gospel Principles and she was like really happy to meet us and I was able to talk to her a bit and she told me that she is really trying to come back to church! After church we were invited over to the Bishop's house for lunch and this less active lady, M., and her boyfriend were there too! We had a wonderful lunch and shared with them a nice little lesson and afterwards I was talking with M. and she just said, "Sorella, here is my phone number! I will hear from you this week and we can set something up!" I was really excited, it was just a beautiful miracle, especially because we have really been trying to work with more less actives and this gives us the perfect opportunity to do so! I love when members do missionary work and when beautiful results come of it. Also, as a small side note, today I was reading in Helaman 3 and I just thought it was suuuuuper neat and talks about the beauty of member missionary work! The church grew a looooot in a certain year and I was thinking...well the church doesn't just like grow over night on it's grows because members share the gospel with their friends! I love verses 24 and 25 because it talks about how BLESSED the people were...the blessings were just POURED upon them, and that was because they were sharing the gospel. Many people were baptized, and that is because those in the church did their part to bring new people in. I loved that.

I went on an exchange in Piacenza this week and it was another just cute little bike city which we all know I love cities of that type a little bit too much. It was a good lil' exchange and we were able to have appointments and do some finding work and have some good teaching opportunities! One little miracle that we saw was we were doing some finding by their house right before we were supposed to go inside for the night and we met this woman named M. P.. She was from southern Italy and that means that they are usually wayyyyyy more willing to talk! this was true in her case and we were able to talk to her and really have a good teach with her. She ended up crying and telling us some things she has been struggling with and it was just neat to be able to testify of God's love for her. We had to go home, but we gave her a restoration pamphlet and the cool thing was that we actually saw her the next day in town while riding our bikes and she was like suuuuuper happy to see us and said that she had been thinking about us and that she read the entire pamphlet the night before! we were so surprised and it was just such a blessing to be able to see her again and hear of how much interest she had #miraclefind

This week was full of a lot of finding work, passing by less actives, and our! We had another miracle find the other day named L. that was suuuuuuper great. We were just walking around in this little town outside of Milan and this woman walked past us and I said the usual, "buon giorno"...she excitedly replied in the same manner and I just felt like I needed to stop her. So I did and she turned into a super human that just lovvvvves serving others, is open to hearing about religions, loves and wants to follow Christ with all her heart, is from Brazil, asked US for the address to our church...and as we were leaving she said to us the thing that we normally say to people and no one EVER says to us...if you need ANYTHING, just give me a call! she was absolutely amazing. an incredible person with an amazing spirit. We were able to set up another appointment with her this week and she is going to come to church. miracles abound.

In other news.....we got our transfer information on Friday night and sadly enough Sorella Roper is leaving me and going down south to Siena. I am getting another STL companion named Sorella Hibo. She is an AMAZING missionary, I have met her a few times and she is pretty much just one of those stellar mission legends that everyone just adores! so I am suuuuper pumped to be able to learn from her and ALSO, she is a native Italian speaker too. She was born in Africa and then moved to Italy or something when she was ya I am reallllly excited for the second chance I have to really learn the language super well. a huge blessing! and she speaks english too, so it will be good. I am REALLY sad to be loosing my beautiful Sorella Roper though. We have literally had a life changing transfer and I am and will forever be grateful for the things she has taught me.. She is my best friend and I know that this transfer was completely and 100% inspired, she was the exact thing I needed.

I am seriously going to miss this girl soooo much!
That's about all from me today. Changes are coming, but it is always for the best! We have a mission conference coming up next week with someone from the first quorum of the 70 so that should be pretty cool! Also we found an absolutely magical vintage shop by the duomo today that literally just was too amazing for me to handle. so that was good for my soul. I am happy and things are goooooood.
love you all
Sorella Burt

This is our massive district. It is going to be split so that is a blessing!

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